Friday, April 15, 2011

Review of "The Last Dance"

I went into this episode thinking that it could not possibly live up to all the hype I've seen about it over the last week.  "Someone dies!"  "There will be tears!"  "Fans will call for Plec and Williamson's heads!"  "Don't look at spoilers or your head will explode!"  "The last five minutes will make cause vigils at the Vatican, mobilize the National Guard, shoot rockets into outer space, and cause every nuclear power plant on the planet to go into simultaneous meltdown!"  [Well, okay, so that last one happened to be true.]

So did it live up to the hype? 

  1. The much hyped death:  Uh, make that "death."  That fake out could be seen from outer space.  WITH THE NAKED EYE.  My only question, for all of about five seconds, was whether or not Bonnie had cast a spell to fake her death, or whether Damon had somehow talked her into letting him vamp her with his, "Are you still willing to do whatever it takes?"  Hype-worthy?  NO.
  2. The first appearance of Klaus:  Okay, so he didn't show up in person, just came in wearing Alaric like a cheap suit.  But Matt Davis took that ball and ran a fucking marathon with it.  In this supposedly OMG-Everything-Is-So-Dire episode, there was some of the funniest shit of the entire season.  Klaus snarking on Alaric's wardrobe?  Trying to teach history class (which, btw, Elijah would totally rule at)?  Casually telling Katherine to stab herself repeatedly and, if she gets bored, switch to the other leg?  Dancing like someone's drunk uncle?  Talking himself up like he's all that and a box of ho-ho's just because he dedicated a fricking song, only to be totally dissed by Damon?  Comedic gold.  And how much hotter is he when he is all eeeeeeeeevil?  Hype-worthy?  YES.
  3. Caroline and (that mother-effing backstabber) Matt:  The awesomeness that is Caroline looked THAT cute, and she had like five seconds of screen time?  Screw you, show.  Hype-worthy?  Hell NO.
  4. The promise of 'relationship' developments amongst ALL possible 'ships':  Hmm.  Let's break this one down.
  • Damon/Elena:  They dance - cutely.  He tells her to run while he tries to save her.  She slaps him.  She apologizes.  He tells her he'll always choose her.  Development?  I'm hedging my bets here and saying 'just a little teeny smidge.'  Mostly because Elena didn't stick her fingers in her ears and start yelling 'LALALA' when Damon told her that.
  • Stefan/Caroline:  So, they danced for two of her five seconds of screen time and he told her about Klaus putting in a cameo?  Development?  NO.
  • Caroline/Matt:  He and Liz didn't stake her, so...?  Development?  Whatevs.
  • Stefan/Damon:  First, they have a quiet moment wondering if Katherine is now dead-dead (as opposed to undead).  Then Damon lays it out for Stefan that, while he's worrying about Elena and her feelings, he'll be the one doing the dirty work, making the tough calls, and saving her life.  Development?  I'm not sure a lot has changed, but it was nice to hear Damon put it out there like that.  Maybe it will spur Stefan to step it up and stop being a pussy start taking some risks?
  • Damon/Bonnie:  Did... did they actually just share a little meeting of the minds while they danced?  Were grins exchanged?  Did they look cute at each other for just a nanosecond?  Did Bonnie not mind ju-ju and threaten to kill Damon just for breathing (or, you know, NOT breathing, him being a vampire and all).  Did I for once not actively wish for Bonnie to die and get the hell off my screen?  Development:  HELL YEAH.
  • Bonnie/Jeremy:  Jeremy has a girlfriend.  She didn't (permanently) die.  Development:  I'm going with yes.
The last five minutes:  Okay look, I could pretend to analyze this and say things like:  Was it totally unexpected?  Not really.  Everyone -- including the undiscovered aboriginal-type tribes living in the wilds of Africa and Australia who don't even know what television is -- knew Elijah was coming back before the end of the season.  This was not Shocking!  Was it a surprise that it was Elena who performed the daggerectomy?  No, not really.  She's willing to consider all the options, and she was willing to work with Elijah before.  Again, not Shocking!

However, I'm not going to pretend to analyze this.  Was the ending hype-worthy?  Um, have you met me?  OH MY MOTHER-FUCKING GOD YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!  ELIJAH IS BACK IN THE HOUSE NEXT WEEK, Y'ALL!!  SAYING 'OMFG' WHILE DELICATELY SIPPING FROM A TEACUP.  AND HAVING FLASHBACK HAIR!!!!!  *hyperventilates*

So, in conclusion, all things considered:  Hype-worthy?  Only partially.  But I'll SO be there next week!

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